
Hello! I’m Ramon and I’m glad you’re visiting my personal website. I am a photographer and a designer. In this site you will find my work on photography, design, etc. Secondly, I will also upload some things and images related to my hobby, such as the process of putting together a Gundam model or painting, etc. I hope you like these. I hope these are the ones you like.
If you are interested in these, you are welcome to leave a comment and share with me!

你好!我是康哥仔Ramon。很高兴你能访问我的个人网站。 我是一个摄影师,也是一个设计师。在这个网站里你将会看到我有关于摄影和设计等等的作品,其次,我还会上传一些和我爱好有关的一些东西和画面,如:拼装高达模型过程或绘画作品等等。希望这些都是你喜欢的。